Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Fringe Festival

Today we had our serving of humble pie with my good friend aka the bump, and a coffee that was not grudged and no chocking was done.
It was good to see the bump and indeed we had plenty of catching up to do, so the coffee and humble pie were long finished before she took her leave and headed homewards.
The bump has always been good with advise and is brilliant with wee ones, sometimes I think she has missed her vocation in life, as she is the type of person that you would want involved in setting the standards for our wee ones pre-schooling.
The wee one would agree as the bump made time to play during our coffee, then did art work during the eating of humble pie and still found time to start a band, with the wee one as guitarist and the bump as the backing drummer, the wee one also insisted on the role as lead singer, now not only that the wee one had the bump juggling as well as drumming, me I was on the phone to the Edinburgh Fringe booking their gig dates!!
The wee one and the bump finished their play with a portrait drawing of granddad, now I do art every week with the wee one, and have not had the success my friend aka the bump had during our coffee morning. The wee one produced her first picture that you could say definitively what it was, no argument it was brilliant!!
So back on the phone to the fringe...

Seriously it was an excellent morning and backed up everything I said yesterday about the importance of friends and staying in touch.
The morning had went by in a flash, and it was soon lunchtime, yet my friend aka the bump still had time just to listen to my moans, and indeed doled out some excellent advice, backed up with life experience, something you can't buy no matter how good the book!!!

The wee one spent the rest of the afternoon, long after her drummer aka the bump had gone home, practicing on the guitar and tuning her vocal chords, all hail the inventors of headache tablets!!

My afternoon was spent in the mad world of the ASBO gardener aka papa and one of his plans for the garden, I found myself actually helping him achieve some of his finest and most cunning plans without realising precisely what he was up to or indeed what I was doing until near the end of the said project!!
So the garden centre is now to be visited and a well known DIY retailer where a few pounds of the savings and the law enforcers aka the chief prosecutors aka the wife's hard earned cash will be prized from my wallet for items that I will try and pass off as bargains, but in fact if I had not got involved with ASBO gardener aka papas little plan, we would not have needed in the first place!!!
So at the end of this calendar day, the wee one is a happy and content having had an excellent days entertainment started off by my friend aka the bump, the ASBO gardener aka papa is snoozing contently no doubt dreaming of how he got one over me, the law enforcer aka the wife is frowning about the cost of the bargains to come for the garden, and me?
Well I have had a roller coaster day, the morning was excellent and even the humble pie was tasty, the pharmacy companies helped with the headache that was band practice, a state of shock then took over as I realised I had been involved in one of the ASBO gardeners aka papas schemes, and the evening well lets put it like this, If snoring was a fringe event then I would be booking my slot beside the wee one and the juggling bump!!

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