Monday, March 25, 2013

A letter From America

Now normally I do not directly talk about politics as it is a very personal subject and one that these days seems to divide people rather than unite us. However in the past week we have had a date set for the Independence referendum, an event that will possibly only happen once in a lifetime!

This is a chance for a choice to be made, without having to go to war or defend borders against aggressors, a chance that many a Country past and present would have been very grateful for,Countries where whole generations of family's gave sacrifice for the simple right of choice.
It is choice that is not life threatening for us but one that gives me a dilemma, because I have to think not only about what's left of my life, I also have to consider the wee one with her whole life in front of her and what kind of country and society I am leaving as her inheritance!!
As a granddad bringing up the wee one I am no different to anyone else involved in parenting, and I am therefore involved in making short and long term decisions, you know the sort of things- like what activities to under take and what we will be eating that day, what is the best school and so on- however they are normally a wee bit less life changing than the referendum.
The other key factor in making certain decisions is that where possible and practical I involve the wee one, who has steered me towards some very interesting if not unusual days!! Sadly this particular scenario is outwith the wee ones remit and is left to me to have a go at the question, I say sadly because our little people would probably make as good a job of running the country as our 'grown up politicians'.
So to the question that will face us as Scots-To be free or to stay a part of the United Kingdom!
That question is a fundamental question that is not easily answered, and for those like me who are Royalists and therefore believe that the Queen is our head of state it has a wee bit of an extra bite!
I have always believed in equality and fairness without any favour! Not only that I have Expected people to act in the same manner towards me! Sadly a principle that the UK Government has long since forgotten.

Our cost of living has doubled in six years, while wages have stayed static- the result is less freedom in life to simply enjoy living. We are now faced with a bedroom tax and welfare cuts that attack the most needy with brain injury sufferers and the disabled not exempted and therefore losing money that is vital to maintaining a basic life style!! That is our present and it alone begs the question Is that the future that I want for my wee one!
The key to all the in and outs of this for me is the future, and at the moment when I try to do my impression of the Brahan Seer all I can predict is more of the same, unless some courage is shown by the adults today for our wee ones tomorrows!

So having looked a wee bit at the present and had a wee go at being the Seer, I decided perhaps a look at our history might not be a bad idea, after all my Nana used to say' if you do not know your history how can you know where you are going'.
All over the world the Scots that were forced to settle,and in many cases without choice fight, became the teachers and aye the professors of the new lands!
The world over from-America,Canada, New Zealand, Australia and any where that Scots have been sent and in the days of the clearances forced,we have made friends, set up schools and generally tried to fit in.

The Race that are the Scots have never invaded any other country, nor have they forced their beliefs on any one person or race,. This we know through our history!!
We have provided the world with its leading politicians, ambassadors and organisations.
Take the USA Navy- founded by a Scot, The Bank of England founded by a Scot and I could go on and will, for example antibiotic's discovered by a Scot, sorry I can not stop, and neither did the Scots- Electricity, the telephone, telly vision and if  you were to tell me to get on my bike...... yep you guessed it, it was invented in Dumfries and Galloway- Scotland, there are many more examples and if you have time you should look up a wee ditty called- Wha's like us, Dam few and they're a deed.
So if it is true and we know it is, that we can fit in around the world and be successful, then why would we be frightened to stay at home and be successful?

I have relatives in America, New Zealand and Canada, they are astounded that we would have to think about this, especially those who stay in America, as to my American cousins especially, freedom for a Country is a given and a must not a question as one explained to me in their last correspondence.
However the question is yours to answer, and if like me you have a wee person or two to think about, I hope like me you consider their future most of all!

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