As the country stops today and divides into two clear camps, camps that have extremely strong opinions of what the legacy is/was that was left by a former Prime Minister, with some mourning and others partying it got me to thinking about life, and the legacy we as a country and a world, were leaving to our wee ones, and what did the last generations leave us as their legacy?
When I was young many moons ago we had the cold war, with all the frightening possibilities that the world would end, simply because a politician did not like what another politician had said, and of course at home we had a former Prime Minister going about the business of closing down the Industries and communities all around the country I lived in, causing misery and poverty to many and extreme wealth to a few!
So clearly I am not in the mourning camp, however that does not mean I do not feel for the family of the former Prime Minister, it just means I bare the scares of a life that had its course set by them. On the flip side, in a quirk of life, I should be grateful to the former Prime Minister, grateful because if it had not been for them I would never have got myself involved in politics, I would not have met all the good people that have helped to shape me the granddad, someone who is proud to have fought against injustice and poverty, grateful because it formed the back bone of my own principles and thoughts, it helped form some of my morals, that would ensure in life, I would treat people fairly and equally, the polar opposite to the outcomes I was witnessing first hand.

Today we have a huge number of things happening in the world, that maybe do not keep us all awake at night but at some point during the day we will pause for thought and these problems will be somewhere in our thinking. You know the sort of things I am talking about, North Korea are they that stupid? Why would Terrorist groups kill children out for the day to watch a marathon? Why would our own Government put children into poverty and families out on the street by taxing bedrooms? And I could go on and on sadly!
My Nana used to say 'you need to know your history, so you know what the future holds' this saying is as true today as when she spoke the words to me for the first time thirty years ago!
That leaves me with the conclusion that there will always be a threat from a politician to end life as we know it, there will always be people that believe children are a worthy target for their bombs and guns and there will always be politicians willing to sacrifice their own people in pursuit of their beliefs!
Thankfully there will always be good people as well that will never condone or support the despot leaders willing to end humanity, that will stand up against the terrorists and will march to save their communities.
So the legacy left by the former Prime Minister is what? Well that is a question only you can answer depending how you lived it, or how your life was changed by it, for me I hope history does not reflect the future because once in my life time was more than enough for me, so much so that even the mention of the name has me ready to march against the ills of our society, as for our wee ones future lets hope my Nana was wrong, as our wee ones future should always be better than our past! Should it not?
Finally.....The normal blog returns tomorrow, when hopefully the world is a better place.
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