So having set out with the usual enthusiasm that we all get when faced with the housework, I began to tackle the mundane chores that make up every households daily and weekly tasks, with the knowledge that my list would come after that.
Now the wee one likes to help and when I am in full battle mode with the hoover, she can be found right behind me with a duster in hand, normally telling me its a mess and shaking her wee head. As we got near to the end of our tasks, I took the decision, that we would stop for a wee cup of the favourite brew and have ten minutes rest. The rest period was used by the wee one to make sure that her dollies were well fed and watered and I stole a few minutes on the kindle. When the break was over, I said to the wee one- that granddad would have to clean the kindle because the screen was a smudgy mess. Now I should have seen the inquisitive look she gave this comment as danger, but then with hindsight we could avoid all of life's wee problems.
The morning past in a flash and with the chores complete and the wee one entertaining herself in her playmates room aka the ASBO gardener aka papas room. I took the opportunity to read the newspaper and catch up with all the doom and gloom, the papers never or at least very rarely print good news stories, it seems to be that someone, somewhere, has a set an agenda against happiness when it comes to your daily read!
Now as I eluded to before, I should have seen what happened next coming, but sadly my psychic powers were low due to all the jobs that the law enforcer aka the wife had me doing as wee extras! That is the deflection slipped in nicely!!!!!To be used in my defence if necessary!!!
The wee one came bounding in to the sitting room and proudly asked for a towel to dry her washing, without thinking I gave her the towel and returned to the gloom of my paper, the reason no alarm bells are sounding at this point is simple, the wee one often washes her plates, pots and pans from her wee cooker.
No the alarm bells only started to ring when I decided that, I had read enough carnage, enough suffering and my belly was full to the top of the gloom in my paper and the kindle would be a nice distraction from all the disasters of the world that were now implanted in my mind. Aye at this point the alarm bells went into overdrive, as I realised the kindle was not where it was left or should be, and there was only one other person that would be remotely interested in it.......the wee one!
Before I could even start the panicked hunt for the kindle, the wee one re-appeared looking very pleased with herself and handed me a gleaming, shinny kindle that looked brand new, announcing that she had cleaned it up!!! Sadly it only took a second for the water to run out over my hand from inside the back cover, confirming my fears that the messy kindle had received the wee ones full cleaning services, soap suds and all.

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