Wednesday, April 3, 2013


So the wee one was no sooner home-not even enough time to get into her toy box-and she was away for her day out at her mums. I have to say it seemed like the weekend was becoming endless!! To say I had missed her would be the understatement of all understatements!!
However the timing could not have been better as I had an eighteen year old to get to his hospital appointment, an appointment that would signal his return to rugby training, and therefore relieve the house of a grumpy presence, that had been felt by anyone with even the smallest of psychic powers, aye even those with none at all.

That would mean that my day would be set out and arranged for me by my son, with no input from me on the organisational front, my only requirement was to be the driver for the day.
I was in a slightly unusual position of just going with the flow, no plan, no end product and no time scale. This for me is a very strange concept, as the wee one needs structure, and to achieve most things with any wee one you need a plan, a plan that involves things like timing, you know like where you will be at a particular time and what facilities there are if any and should I take the basics with me just in case!!!
My eighteen year old decided after the hospital that instead of heading back homewards that it would be a better idea if we spent some father and son time in the shopping centre, where he could hunt down all the items he required to resume his training programme. Several shops later and armed with his bargains of clothes for nights out! he finally decided to get back to the plan- in the loosest sense of the word- of sports wear and equipment needed for training.

Now all of this got me to thinking how much easier it was going shopping with the wee one, even taking my planning process into consideration!! As I have said before the wee one can shop as well as any woman- she has learned early- and she normally goes back to the first outfit in the first shop after seeing many other stores! Unlike the wee one my son has the shopping skills of....well most men!
So I had to give my son a bit of a push as I could see his attention span for shopping had run its course, and therefore a new part of his plan-again I use the word loosely-a plan I could see coming from a great distance, would have us in a bar with the excuse that they served food....... for the rest of the evening!
On the way home my son was working his way through his purchases as a reminder to himself what he could get up to later. However to my surprise and delight he produced two pairs of shoes he had picked up for the wee one and not only that he motioned to a bag and without to much ceremony announced that the contents were for me!!
The day had started out as the granddad taxi service and had rapidly changed as the hours went by from a taxi trip to the hospital on to a shopping trip with a hint of a day out! and to be honest it was a pretty decent day out with my son. All of this had me wondering did he have a plan all along, or was it just that I have a kind hearted son who while often lives in a world that revolves around himself, proves time and time again he thinks of others.

The wee one was delighted with her uncles present but sadly he was not there for her to thank, yep he was away showing his big hearted side again by keeping his grannie company while his pops is in hospital, leaving me to conclude planning is not everything!!!

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