The wee one tends to be a lot better than me in the mornings, meaning I have to be up a wee bit earlier to get ahead of the game or in truth to level the playing field!!
The wee one was going to visit her mum today, with a wee twist that she was going to help her mum cook the dinner for her granny aka the law enforcer also affectionately known as the wife...yes she was standing over me as I typed, who would be picking her up later, not only that her mum had a brand new cooker which to the wee one is as exciting as toys at Christmas, because when she is not playing she just loves to bake, although this does raise the question where she got the passion for baking from as we all know it is not my daughter!
So not only was the wee ones day set up with some excitement but the visit from the daughter always adds an extra dimension to my day as well!
For starters the wee ones mum aka my daughter comes to collect her and that in turn means a certain Hurricane Billy aka the wee ones brother and my grandson will be on the scene! The unknown in this is at what force will he hit the house.
There is then the whole issue of what will she wear for the day, now this has nothing to do with a fashion parade
although the daughters idea of what is fashionable and mine are slightly different... okay miles apart, that said people generally complement what the wee one is wearing, so I can not be that out of date, no it is purely down to what are they going to get up to and where this might take place and of course the weather!!
Don't you just hate to see wee ones dressed to please the eye of others in the latest fashion, when what is needed is a duffle coat and wellies -because the snow is five foot deep!!
Anyway I digress, so the visit from the daughter has happened, the hurricane has blown over and the wee one is dressed appropriately for her day out and the weather conditions.
That leaves me and the ASBO gardener aka papa with a morning to ourselves before I have to go to the hospital to visit pops leaving the ASBO gardener all alone!!!!!
The job in hand is to give papa enough jobs to occupy the afternoon, in the hope that I do not come home to one of his projects!
All of this got me to thinking how lucky I am.. yes lucky! I have spent the morning doing the jobs that happen in all households, the boring stuff like making beds and putting the washing on and the like, I have organised the wee one for her day out with her mother, the ASBO gardener aka papa has a list of jobs and I am heading to Glasgow to visit pops with my mother......yep lucky and I will tell you why.
I am in the fortunate position of being a stay at home granddad, if not quite a kept one, thanks to the hard working law enforcer aka the chief prosecutor aka the wife! Indeed it got me to thinking how we did it first time round juggling the house, the jobs, the kids and all the outside factors- I am shattered just thinking about it!!
So tomorrow when I fall out of bed and stagger about the kitchen while waiting on the kettle boiling up my first shot of caffeine for the day, I will spare a thought to all of you out there in parent land who are doing like wise with the added of stress of getting out the door and to work on time!

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