So the house or more to the point the garden has returned to normal after the ASBO gardener aka papa's failed attempt to carry out improvements!!
The recycling centre has had its boost in trade, I have enough fire wood to see out next winter and the ASBO gardener has gone into hiding, but one thing is for sure that will not last long as a new project idea will not be far from his thoughts.
With all the turmoil and the work that had to be undertaken you might think that the garden would be the last place you would find us today, you would think a leisurely day in the house with say, colouring in books or a cartoon or two would be on the cards, with the wee bonus that granddad can put his feet up with a cup of tea while watching over the activities of the day.... sadly for me no.
Now the wee one has always been keen to get out and about and she loves to play in the garden with her sandpit and swing being the main points of attraction, so when she made for the outdoors I was not worried that any great reserves of energy were going to be needed.
The wee one however had got the gardening bug and has spent the day working her plot, a plot claimed by her in a land grab with no one else allowed near it, getting rid of all the weeds and chasing any wee bugs or beasties she finds, although snails seemed to be a step to far! The wellie boots are her new favourite shoes and the wheel barrow her most treasured toy!
Like everything the wee one tackles she puts her heart and sole into it and her inquisitive mind turns even the most mundane jobs into a challenge and aye even an adventure. The wee one also knows what she wants and therefore a trip to the garden centre was now heavily on the agenda as she pointed out that her plot was ready for the next stage-planting. Now I know it is early days for planting as the frost can still do a fare bit of damage, the wee one however would not be persuaded, even the story of jack frost did not have any effect on her point of view, as in her eyes she had done the graft and therefore the time for planting was .....well now!!
The result of our last trip to the garden centre was a dash to the local hospital with the wee one after a fall onto a spike, a dash that resulted in a police stop, granddad fined and the wee one super glued!!!
So a trip to the garden centre held a small amount of trepidation for me but only excitement for the wee one as that day had obviously been wiped from her memory banks- I wish I could do the same because my mouth still goes dry and my heart misses a beat every time I think of it!!!
This time thankfully the only damage that was done was to my wallet as the wee one picked out some brightly coloured flowers and a windmill or two that would finish her plot off just nicely.
The wee one planted her plot with great care and was extremely pleased with her efforts, not only that she was very aware that her wee bit of the garden was now putting the rest to shame and granddad and the ASBO gardener were going to be grafting over the next few days to sort out the situation.
Now the worry for me is does the ASBO gardener aka papa have an apprentice after all its in the genes!!
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