The reasons for all of this activity are spread across the generations of the family, with conditions that range from the minor, blood tests and the like, right through to pops in the spinal unit, fighting to recover from a broken neck and three back breaks!
Now those that know me, will understand the dread that sweeps throughout my body, as soon as the words hospital and appointment are combined in one sentence, as I was once diagnosed as having white coat syndrome, so it is pretty ironic that the last three weeks, has had me travelling East, West, North and South to spend time in my least favourite of life's necessary establishments.
The wee one has been with me on most of my travels and from being in the car to going onto various hospital wards and departments she has been excellent, not only in terms of behaviour but also in the way she has interacted with those around her.
This interaction is applied with the same enthusiasm, no matter if it is other wee ones caught up in the whole patient transporter/ visitor thing with their family, or simply the hospital regulars like the patients, doctors and nurses. The wee one goes from play mode, to sympathetic, concerned listener mode and ready to travel mode as easy as changing channels on your sky box.
So being on tour with the wee one has no major behavioural or entertainment issues, no she is an excellent travel companion, a companion that helps to cheer up the slightly depressing places that are Hospital wards and clinics.
No the problem is our routine has been smashed into several hundred pieces, okay a slight exaggeration, but you get the drift.
The wee one has had a very settled routine when it comes to her daily and weekly activities, whether that be at play, tea or even the simple thing of bath and bed time.
So over the last few weeks my travel companion has had to endure some of the finest junk food this country has to offer and believe me there is plenty!! Now not only that her bed time has been varied, which without a shadow of doubt she is enjoying just a little bit more than me or the law enforcer aka grannie for that matter. The other wee problem with the bed routine is that I have spent all winter telling the wee one that the dark means bedtime, who would know she would use this against me as soon as this summer, gleefully pointing out that it is still light outside and the conclusion is therefore simple....it can't be bed time because you said......
The wee ones brother aka my grandson aka hurricane Billy normally claps and gets himself wound up to a force five or six when he hears the microwave ping and it must be in the genes because the wee one now claps and cheers when she spots a fast food sign!!
In fairness the wee ones mum aka master chef is learning her way around her new cooker but that has yet to receive the same reaction as the microwave as far as hurricane Billy is concerned.
Like her brother aka hurricane Billy with the cooker, the wee one is in for more than one or two disappointments over the coming weeks, firstly the hospital appointments are coming to an end, at least for the majority, thus meaning an end to our various road trips, which in turn will mean an end to the junk food banquets and a return to home cooked meals.
Lastly if not finally, granddad will come up with some cunning cons that signal bedtime is upon us, no matter how dark or light it is!
Aye it is all routine when it comes to granddad!!
The law Enforcer aka the wife and the wee one have been involved in a spot of garden fixing along with myself and the ASBO gardener aka papa, well when I say along with the ASBO gardener I really mean going behind him and sorting out his projects into something worth looking at, the wee one I am delighted to say has not taken after her papa aka the ASBO gardener and in fact she has shown a wee flair when it comes to mixing the different coloured plants to make an eye catching display. However the credit does not sit with the law enforcer aka the wife or indeed me as granddad, no according to the ASBO gardener aka papa the time she spends with him has paid dividends.... aye of how not to do it!!!!!!!!