The wee one was as usual very patient in all of this until the toy shop was spotted! The pointing and pulling got underway without a second to spare. Having done all we had to do for the day way gave in-as if we were not going to anyway-and made for the superstore that has wee ones pulling at adults up and down the country to go into to spend their never ending supply of pocket money, or as it is better known The bank of mum and dad or in my case granddad plc.
Many wonders awaited the wee one and the choices were difficult, as one thing was put back in favour of the next wanted object with the occasional sad glance back to the one she had just discarded! Yes a lot of thought was going into this and the decision was going to be tough!
As we got to the last part of the store the wee one spotted all the paints and arts stuff just begging to be played with and without a glance backwards she filled her basket with paints, brushes and paper. Job done time to go home, not before a wee check of the paint bottles label and a look at the wallet damage -I mean price!
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HOW MUCH???? |
With that we set for home all in the car satisfied they had either got a bargain or at least got what they wanted!!
The next day the shopping trip for me was but a distant memory and my mind was focussed on the day in hand, a day that would be occupied with our on-going toilet training, a renewed fight over the dummy and setting up the wee one with some entertainment as I battle with the households washing and ironing.
Now just to explain why I use the word battle when talking about the laundry- my household consists of:-
- The ASBO gardener aka papa aged 80 something going on 21
- My18 year old son who is going on 12 who thinks playing rugby and changing clothes 5 times a day is what everybody does
- The wee one nearly 3 year old that can beat my son for clothes changes,
- My wife and of course me.
Just As I was about to sounded my battle cry to get stuck into the loads of washing, the wee one took me to the cupboard where her paints were being safely stored. The meaning of this was as obvious as the nose on my face.
The wee one who has already shown her memory is as sharp as a tack had made up her mind that the days entertainment would start off with a painting session and the new paints were going to get a run out!!
Now doing the laundry and painting are not natural partners in a normal household, that being the case they would be like the equivalent of the perfect storm in mine! A fact I now know as I return from nipping to the toilet. My whites would do the Ariel advert proud, unfortunately for their colour liquid and not their brilliant whites as my toddler proudly shows off her flair for designing new T-shirt Logos!
It is with a short breath that I congratulate myself on buying washable paints when choosing the arts and crafts materials for the wee one, yes that sneaky wee look at the label in the shop was one of my wise granddad moments!
So the lesson of the day is use the wee ones day out with her mum to do the laundry where no toddler has the temptation put in her way to become the next great fashion designer with the families already paid for designer T-shirts.
Now to go and turn our dog back to his original colour of black not red, yellow and green not even Cruff's have seen that breed yet!!
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