People often show their true colours during times of adversity and real trouble. Families come together and forget any ills that may have divided them and caused sides to be taken. Not only does that happen but agendas change as people realise life is short compared to the clock of time.
There is not an adult out there that has not seen some form of tragedy or suffered heart break in some form or has had to deal with sadness where another soul is involved.
Sadly today is my day to take a dose of this awful medicine that we all hope is prescribed to some one else, aye anybody but us!
My step dad and my mothers partner for nearly two decades occupies a hospital bed after a horrific fall that has seen his back broken in four places, his lung punctured and other minor injuries, thankfully able to speak to those around him, that being the good news at the moment as we await further tests and diagnosis.
The family showed its true colours as they got together instantly and even more pleasing was the fact our friends have rallied round with support that is humbling.
People often turn to religion when things are bad or life sends a curve ball, sometimes this prayer is answered and other times a miracle is called for, in my case the wee one came to the rescue.
Now with all that is going on in my households world the wee one sussed out that the adults of the house were more than a wee a bit down and indeed were in need of at the very least a little bit of humour to break the dark clouds.
So off she goes to her dress up box and reappears dressed as a princess- well she is one anyway- gets us to sit down and proceeds to dance her wee heart out! Getting us up one by one to dance with her and even trying to get a group dance going.
As if by telecommunication the wee one realised she had cheered up the night and proceeded to try and entertain the adults present with her version of a comedy act that while she understood it completely we had to fill in the gaps by guessing, act over and without fuss she knew when it was time to take her bow and make for bed!
Our wee people are so often the source of pride and joy, who too often we take for granted. We often believe they are too young to understand what is happening in the adult world and shepherd them aside.
My nana used to say The young will teach the old a saying I never really understood until now. I wonder if my nana was in a similar situation to come up with a saying like this or if indeed she was just very wise?
No matter the answer to that question I have learned that our wee ones are sensitive to their surroundings and to the moods of those in their company. We should remember that a wee one brings so much joy and happiness to our lives and we should fight to protect, cherish and prolong this for as long as humanely possible as one day they to will be adults and be forced to suffer a medicine of their own.
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