Thursday, May 2, 2013

War And Peace-3 Generations!

Hurricane Billy aka the grandson arrived today, blowing about a force six and simmering towards a force seven. The wee ones mum aka master chef was also in tow, as today she was taking the wee one swimming and then spending the day helping out at my house.
Now the reason she was staying to help out was that the law enforcer aka the wife had fallen at her work, poor wee kitten, and is a wee bit sore to say the least. I was off to Glasgow for a wee visit to the hospital housing pops, and the ASBO gardener.....well he was dabbling in yet another project. Again the cunning shown is extraordinary, as he knew the law enforcer was to sore to bother, the wee ones mum aka master chief would have her head stuck in face book(researching recipes-aye right) and his chief nemesis granddad was out of town.
All of this for him was manner from heaven, so he cunningly used the guise of playing with the wee ones as his cover for some covert gardening, when I use the word gardening, believe me when I say I use it in its loosest form! Young trees moved location and plants appeared as if by magic, where no plants should be!
Now the wee one is used to having the run of the garden and indeed she is used to having first dib's on the ASBO gardener aka papa as the oldest playmate in town, hurricane Billy however had other ideas, and was pushing to be at the very least an equal with the wee one, when it came to all things in the garden, whether it be at play or in the act of covert gardening with papa!
The wee one up till now has stood back and pretty much let the hurricane do what he likes, now that can involve the odd we tug at her hair or a wee push out of the way, the wee one would give up ground except when it came to certain toys. Today the wee one decided enough was enough and started the process of the wee shove back the way with the occasional sly kick of the shins, signalling the end of one sibling being top dog, this led to an uneasy break out of peace, with mutual respect being shown if not all out love.

So you would think with a truce called between the warring sides that would herald a peaceful day all-round for the adults.
Well you would be wrong, cue round two of the brother and sisters war!
The eighteen year old aka the rugby coach aka my son popped in for a wee visit to see how the law enforcer was doing after her fall and to invite his old dad for a pint at the weekend.
That done his attention now turned to greet his sister aka master chef, and the sibling rivalry taking place in the garden was now being acted out in the house by the two older kids, who should both know better and lead by example. Now there was no pulling of hair or a sly wee shove, however there was plenty of point scoring taking place by means of one up man ship and indeed the pointing out of each others wrong doings!! as seen by them!!
Again seeing the house was distracted, the ASBO gardener aka papa took a delivery of stone from my good friend aka the shotgun, ensuring that his cunning project was now irreversible.
So not just a cunning, covert operation but one of opportunism as well!
Looking back at my relationship with my sister gave me no answers as to why the two younger generations felt the need to lock horns. My sister and I have been close all our lives and not just as relatives, but also as friends and work colleagues, we rarely argue if ever and are both passionate about fairness and respect for all people.
That was my take, until a phone conversation with that same sister that evening, who reminded me of some of the wee squabbles we had as kids and aye as teenagers, including one where she put we in a wardrobe no great trauma there, until you hear it was the next item to see the bonfire!!! Then later on in life she and her pal tied me to a tree at the side of Loch Ness while shouting for Nessie the Loch Ness monster to come and get lunch! Not to forget the time I took scissors to her long hair while she had her beauty sleep.
My sister further reminded me of the usual, it was not me it was him or her arguments, that would lead to one of us being punished, or sometimes both, aye the memories came flooding back-the good old days!!!
The conversation concluded that we had been rivals up to our early twenties when perhaps maturity kicked in or we both got fed up of scoring points, leaving me to conclude that one generation only has a couple of years to go before the peace treaty is signed, the downside being that the other generation will provide the ASBO gardener aka papa with cover for another two decades!!!!!!!

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