In days gone by Social workers, Health visitors or the like coming to your house in hours of daylight was met with shame. The people on your doorstep were herded in quickly and quietly as not to arose neighbour suspicion or indeed give the neighbours time to decide who the caller was or was not.
This is a scenario I grew up with My Nana used to say if we were bad she would get the people to us- so it has taken me a long time-3 years to get used to the idea of these professional people coming to visit outside the cover of darkness!
I first had to deal with Social work for the first time in my life a few years ago when the Wee one came on the scene and to start with all my notions of them were well justified in my mind-they were debating the future of the wee one like you and I could argue over a recipe for Scones. At least that is how it seamed at the time. I was in a position of trying to defend my Family whilst making sure a new member of the family was also taken care of. Difficult times with difficult discussions and some truths outed that sometimes a father does not want to hear.
However as we sit now having played a game of find the phone that the wee one has taken great delight in hiding I can now see the job that these people have to do and wonder why I was ever hostile to them?
My Health Visitor is brilliant and full of excellent advise but she is also ready just to listen as I spout off, without her input I might not still be sane or indeed on the right road with some of my missions for the wee one.
Social work have been equally as brilliant in giving impartial advice and looking at the wellbeing of the wee one and the effects on whole family.
So today I give a vote of thanks to the people on the doorstep for all the good work they do, that so much of the time goes unnoticed or simply not appreciated. How's that for a change in life attitudes- who says you cannot teach an old dog new tricks.
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